World History: 1500 - 2001


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Keeping Things in Perspective


Anonymous said...

That video is really remarkable.
Its unreal how different two lives can be.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Caro, how is psychopathology defined? I looked through all my notes and I can't find it.

tiffany. said...

I agree with Lauren. I actually kids like that when I was in Vietnam two years ago. I didn't see them wake up, but I did see kids working in shops doing labor. It's really sad. I gets me thinking about if I was born in Asia, would I be like one of them. I feel really grateful for what I have. It's really sad that Asia use kids to do their work and they don't even get paid a dollar a day.

Anonymous said...

Was there homework over the weekend, or anything due on Monday?

Anonymous said...

Radiohead! I love this video.

Anonymous said...

is there a study group after school on Monday, or am I just Delusional? Either could be true with all of these finals! :P

Mr. Caro said...

Nothing is due Monday. YES there is a final review session.

luangrath said...

Thanks for being an AC10 this semester.

Mr. Caro said...

As far as I am concerned, you all made it an awesome semester!

Oh, Tiffany, sorry, I have not yet graded the extra credit! Sorry. I am working on it.

Mr. Caro said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

oh man who got there comment removed!??! ha anyways. caro i feeel like i failed my essay and gonna fail the final so i am going to just accept a C.

Anonymous said...

One thing you have to consider with the video, however, is why each of them ended up in their specific circumstances.
If the first family worked hard to get where they are today, while the second family didn't do the work required for a decent living, I feel no pity for them.
However, if the second family were unfortunate victims of circumstance, then I do feel sorry for them.