The New York Times
Drinking coffee may do more than keep you awake. A new study suggests a potential link to mental health later in life as well.
A team of Swedish and Danish researchers tracked coffee consumption among 1,409 middle-age men and women for an average of 21 years. During that time, 61 participants developed dementia and 48 Alzheimer's disease.
After controlling for numerous socio-economic and health factors, the scientists found that the people who had reported drinking three to five cups of coffee daily were 65 percent less likely to have developed dementia, compared with those who drank two or fewer cups . Those who drank more than five cups a day also were at reduced risk of dementia, but there were not enough people in that group to draw statistically significant conclusions.
Dr. Miia Kivipelto, an associate professor of neurology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and lead author of the study, does not as yet advocate drinking coffee as a preventive health measure. "We have no evidence that for people who are not drinking coffee, taking up drinking will have a protective effect," she said.
Kivipelto and colleagues suggest some possibilities for why coffee might reduce the risk of dementia . Earlier studies linked coffee consumption with a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, which has been associated with a greater risk of dementia. And coffee may have an antioxidant effect in the blood-stream, reducing vascular risk factors .
The new study appears this month in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.
Below is the coffee shop in Seattle I spent many hours at studying, doing homework, socializing, etc., etc.

This is quite the news, I might just have to increase my coffee intake, despite what Dr. Kivilpelto says, but maybe not all the way up to 5+ cups a day.
Speaking of hours of homework though, I wasn't able to turn in my case booklet in class today, so since I have all this extra time until it's due, I was considering typing it up to make it more organized to try to make up for some slight tardiness. Would you prefer for me to send it to you via email or for me to bring it in tomorrow while you're at school?
Nice Wilco video. I also like the songs "Either Way" and "War on War" by them.
Also we can come in anytime tomorrow during normal school hours to turn in the case booklet packet right?
Ben, you can just bring it by.
Joseph, I will be in school most of the day tomorrow so come on by!
War on War is a great track!
And 3-5 cups? They may not suffer from any mental illnesses, but man are they going to suffer from sleep disorders! :D
Not to mention the excessive amount of time spent in the bathroom.
If I can't make it to the school tomorrow, which I'll try my best to do, would it be ok to email them though?
Ben, either is fine.
Alex, this will soon be your haunt!
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