- It is estimated that 8 million Americans have an eating disorder – seven million women and one million men
- One in 200 American women suffers from anorexia
- Two to three in 100 American women suffers from bulimia
- Nearly half of all Americans personally know someone with an eating disorder (Note: One in five Americans suffers from mental illnesses.)
- An estimated 10 – 15% of people with anorexia or bulimia are males
- Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness
- A study by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reported that 5 – 10% of anorexics die within 10 years after contracting the disease; 18-20% of anorexics will be dead after 20 years and only 30 – 40% ever fully recover
- The mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is 12 times higher than the death rate of ALL causes of death for females 15 – 24 years old.
- 20% of people suffering from anorexia will prematurely die from complications related to their eating disorder, including suicide and heart problems
- Anorexia is the 3rd most common chronic illness among adolescents
- 95% of those who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25
- 50% of girls between the ages of 11 and 13 see themselves as overweight
- 80% of 13-year-olds have attempted to lose weight
- Rates of minorities with eating disorders are similar to those of white women
- 74% of American Indian girls reported dieting and purging with diet pills
- Essence magazine, in 1994, reported that 53.5% of their respondents, African-American females were at risk of an eating disorder
- Eating disorders are one of the most common psychological problems facing young women in Japan.
Um there really aren't words... I just can't believe some of those statistics and the pictures in the video... um they look like Holocaust survivors... just WOW!...
I agree Brie! It is simply disturbing and sad.
Oh my goodness. These disturbing!
I'm actually not even sure what to say. I keep typing something then hitting backspace. Simply speechless.
The video made me queasy. I can't believe people would do that to themselves.
Its hard to understand how
some people could to that to themselves.
Its very sad...
its so weird to think that people actually CHOOSE to do that to themselves!
Its so horrible
Oh my goodness, I cant believe that there are some people like that. The pictures are disturbing.
hey caro I have a question, it may be obvious but I don't know... How come they don't develop the mal nutrition stomach?
I watched an intervention awhile ago and the person on it did the chew and spit method, it was really gross.
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