World History: 1500 - 2001


Monday, May 31, 2010


Greetings Everyone!

This will be the FINAL post on this blogspot. I am moving everything over to and back to Details will be posted THIS summer.

Tuesday (6/1)
World War II: Propaganda Posters!
HW: Study for exam!

Wednesday (6/2)
HW: Project Work

Thursday (6/3)
The Holocaust: Readings
HW: Continue Readings

Friday (6/4)
Socratic Seminar Preparation
HW: Projects

Monday (6/7)
Project Presentations
Holocaust Socratic Seminar
HW: Reading/TBA

Tuesday (6/8)
D-Day to Berlin
HW: Reading/TBA

Wednesday (6/9)
The Pacific: 1944-1945: VIDEO
HW: Reading: the Atomic Bomb

Thursday (6/10)
The Pacific: 1944-1945: VIDEO
HW: Reading: the Atomic Bomb

Friday (6/11)
WWII: The End
Current Events
HW: Reading: The Middle East

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Week Ahead

Monday (5/24)
1. Library/Research Time

HW: Continue work on projects

Tuesday (5/25)
1. The Battle of Britain and the Blitz!
2. Debate: what should the U.S. do?

HW: Continue work on projects

Wednesday (5/26)
1. Operation Barbarossa!
--Video clips

HW: Continue work on projects

Thursday (5/27)
1. The Pacific: 1941 - 1942

HW: Continue work on projects

Friday (5/28)
1. WWII: Exam I
2. Propaganda and the Home Front
3. Current Events

HW: Study for WWII Exam I

WWII: At the movies

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Great Black Wave: The Road to War

Monday (5/17)
1. Munich Crisis: September, 1938
2. Video/Notes: Post Munich
3. Summer, 1939: My Enemies are Little Worms -- Reading

HW: Projects

Tuesday (5/18)
1. 5:30AM: Sept. 1st, 1939: The Beginning of World War II -- Poland is no more.
2. The Fall of France: Notes/Video

HW: Bring ALL research to class

Wednesday (5/19)
Library time to work on projects

HW: Work on projects

Thursday (5/20)
1. The Fall of France -- video/notes
2. The Battle of Britain -- video/audio/notes

HW: Project work

Friday (5/21)
1. The Blitz!
2. Current Events!

HW: Projects!

Sunday, May 02, 2010

World War I: The Week Ahead

Monday (5/3)
World War I
1.) Causes of WWI: DBQ & video clip
2.) Trench Warfare

HW: Selection of 3 main point and evidence per point for essay

Tuesday (5/4)
World War I
1.) Stalemate and New Weapons
--Interview a Picture
2.) Russia's Collapse

HW: Work on Essay: Outline

Wednesday (5/5)
1917: The End of the Stalemate
--Debate: Should the U.S. join the war?

HW: Work on Essay: DRAFT

Thursday (5/6)
1918: The end of the war
1918 - 1919: Lasting Peace?

HW: Essay Due

Friday (5/7)
Essay II due
Review WWI -- Assessment of the attempt at lasting peace
Current Events!

HW: Study for WWI Exam: MONDAY!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Week Ahead: 4/26 - 4/30

Monday (4/26)
Imperialism Exams DUE

A 100 Year History of Mexico


Tuesday (4/27)
A 100 Year History of Mexico

WORLD WAR I: An Introduction

HW: Reading w/Questions

Wednesday (4/28)
World War I
1) Discuss HW
2) Notes
3) Video clips


Thursday (4/29)
World War I
1) Notes
2) Video Clips
3) Interview a Picture


Friday (4/30)
World War I
1) Notes
Current Events!

HW: TBA: How the war ends

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Imperialism NEWS

Assignments Due Tuesday:
1.) Scramble for Africa: pp 339-344 + questions
2.) Imperialism in the Middle East: pp. 352-356 + questions
3.) Imperialism in India: pp. 357-361 + questions
4.) India DBQ + Attachment document -- from class

Monday (4/19)
1.) Conclude Imperialism in India
2.) Japanese Imperialism -- Notes
3.) Introduce Imperialism Assessment -- DUE THURSDAY

HW: Imperialism Assessment

Tuesday (4/20)
1.) Mexico: Independence through 1900
--Video Clip


Wednesday (4/21)
1.) Conclude Mexico in the 1800s
2.) Introduction to WWI -- Reading
3.) Discussion

HW: Imperialism Assessment DUE

Thursday (4/22)
World War I
-- Notes
-- Video Clip
-- Class Reading


Friday (4/23)
World War I
-- Activity
-- Current Events


Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Week Ahead: 4/12-4/16

Monday (4/12)
1.) European Imperialism in Africa
--Discuss HW
2.) Political Cartoon!

HW: Textbook reading - TBA

Tuesday (4/13)
1.) Imperialism in the Middle East
--Discuss HW
2.) Analysis of causes and justifications of imperialism -- workshops
3.) Notes

HW: Textbook reading - TBA

Wednesday (4/14)
1.) Imperialism in India
--Discuss HW
2.) DBQ
3.) CHART: imperialism comparisons

HW: Textbook reading - TBA

1.) Imperialism: Japan!
-- Discuss HW
2.) Video: Japan's Empire
3.) Current Events!



Sunday, April 04, 2010

The Week Ahead: Mark them with your dead: the race for global empire

Monday (4/5)
1.) Discuss HW: Socialism, communism, and capitalism
2.) Prepare for Socratic Seminar I
--Topics: 1. Child labor and labor reforms
2. Capitalism vs. Communism
3. Technology today: are we too dependent?
3.) Exam Review: I.R. Exam Wednesday!

HW: Read socratic Seminar documents and write discussion questions

Tuesday (4/6)
SOCRATIC SEMINAR I: Industrialization

HW: Study for Exam

Wednesday (4/7)
1. Industrial Revolution Exam - 60 minutes
2. Imperialism: the game!

HW: Reading: introduction to imperialism

Thursday (4/8)
1.) Discuss HW
2.) Video: Guns, Germs, and Steel episode III: Into the Tropics

HW: Textbook TBA

Friday (4/9)
1.) Discuss video
2.) Discuss HW
3.) Current Events!

HW: Handout - DBQ

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Industrial Revolution Wrap Up

Thursday (4/1)
1.) Complete I.R. document packet AND law reform
2.) Group share with class of reforms
3.) DQB -- I.R. Reforms
4.) List actual laws that past
5.) Significance of the I.R. -- NOTES

HW: Textbook, TBA

Friday (4/2)
1.) Significance of the I.R. -- NOTES
2.) Socratic Seminar sign up!
3.) Current Events

HW: Textbook, TBA

Monday (4/5)

HW: STUDY for ID Exam II

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone! I will post the week's agenda Monday. I am need to work on a few plans prior to posting our work from Tuesday through Thursday. Friday will be a socratic seminar and next week will be the I.R. ID exam!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010



Microsoft Surface


Brule's Rules!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

The Week Ahead!

Monday 3/8
1. Discuss 5 Paragraph Essay
2. Reign of Terror: class reading

HW: Textbook/Handout: pages 229-233

Tuesday 3/9
Essay check in
1. Notes
2. Image Analysis

HW: Reading/Handout: 238-241

Wednesday 3/10
1. Discuss HW
2. Finish Napoleon

Industrial Revolution!
1. Revolutionary Invention!
2. Current Events


Part 2!

Part 3!

The End

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

The WeekS Ahead!

Sorry for the delay peoples!

Wednesday 3/3
The French Revolution
1. J/E: What would it take for you to rebel against the U.S.?
2. Pre-Assessment: what were the three primary causes of the French Revolution?
3. Discuss HW
4. DBQ: Causes of the French Revolution

HW: Declaration of Rights of Man -- Respond to Questions at end of reading

Thursday 3/4
1. ESSAY work: Identification of the causes:
a. document selection
b. quote from document
c. explain quote
d. how is it a cause?
2. Discuss HW
3. Read Declaration of Rights of Woman! - J/E table
4. Discuss Essay / DBQ

HW: Thesis DRAFT

Friday 3/5
1. Reading: Reign of Terror
/ teacher review of thesis
2. Current Events!

HW: Essay Work

Monday 3/8
1. NOTES/Image Analysis/Reading

HW: Textbook/Handout: pages 229-233

Tuesday 3/9
Essay check in
Napoleon - continued
1. Discussion questions
2. Video

HW: Reading/Handout: 238-241

Wednesday 3/10
Discuss HW
Industrial Revolution!
1. Revolutionary Invention!
2. Current Events


Monday, February 22, 2010

The Week Ahead!

Last Week Recap:
  1. Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
  2. Germs Guns and Steel - class notes AND 1 page summary of factors that lead to European dominance in the Americas
  3. Scientific Revolution: Descartes reading
  4. What is Enlightenment - Kant reading w/questions
  5. The Enlightenment - textbook reading and handout

Monday (2/22)
The Enlightenment

1) J/E - Image Analysis - The Sleep of Reason
2) Kant - discuss reading
3) HW on the Enlightenment
4) Enlightenment thinkers project


Tuesday (2/23)
1) Enlightenment thinkers project
2) Utopia!

HW: Read pages 202 - 205 in textbook and complete handout

Wednesday (2/24)
UTOPIA - workday


Thursday (2/25)
1) Work on Utopias
2) Presentations of utopias

HW: Complete Utopias if not done

Friday (2/26)
1) Presentation of utopias
2) Current Events


Monday (3/1)

HW: Study

Tuesday (3/2)
ID EXAM 1: Covering: Columbus, Transatlantic Slave Trade, Scientific Revolution, The Enlightenment

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Week Ahead: 2/16 - 2/19

Tuesday: 2/16
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
1.) Review HW
2.) Interview a Picture
3.) Finish Notes


Wednesday: 2/17
Imperialism: Americas
1.) Guns, Germs, and Steel: VIDEO


Thursday: 2/18
Scientific Revolution
1.) What is Reality - J/E
2.) Video Clip
3.) Introduction to the Scientific Revolution - Notes

HW: Textbook: TBA

Friday: 2/19
1.) Discuss HW
2.) Introduction to the Enlightenment
3.) Current Events!

HW: Textbook: TBA

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Welcome to World History

Greetings everyone and welcome aboard! Bookmark this blog and check it often for class updates, news, articles of interest and the occasional random/meaningless video.

Be sure to post comments as you wish to obtain participation value to your grade!

Each Sunday night (as well as throughout the week) I will post the 'Week Ahead' where I will layout the agenda for the week.

The Week Ahead

Monday (2/8)
1) Welcome to World History
2) About you!
3) The syllabus
4) Survival!

HW: Complete the Student Information Card AND have a parent/guardian sign the syllabus and return Tuesday

Tuesday (2/9)
1) Crash Course in Geography!
a.) Mapping
2) What was the world like in 1500?


Wednesday (2/10)
1) Notes: Why 1492 - J/E
2) Video clip: 1492

HW: Columbus' Journal w/Questions

Thursday (2/11)
Opening: 1492 - video clip
1) Discuss HW
2) Finish Notes on 1492
3) Journal Entry: "America" - J/E
4) Las Casas - Reading - J/E

HW: Equiano's Account

Friday (2/12)
The Transatlantic Slave Trade
1) Notes / Discus HW
2) Current Events Quiz

HW: Read pages 137-141 and respond to questions 2 an 8 on page 141 in your notes -- use COMPLETE SENTENCES!

Friday, February 05, 2010