World History: 1500 - 2001


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Study: One in Five Vets Has 'Invisible Wounds'

National Guard - June 24, 2008

Originally Published:20080501.

Nearly 20 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans suffer symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression, according to an independent study released April 17.

As many or more have possible brain injuries from explosion or other head wounds, said the study, the first major survey from outside the military.

Military officials said the report by the RAND Corporation, "The Invisible Wounds of War," helps clarify mental health hurdles the Defense Department is seeking to overcome.

"We're on a journey, and we've come a long way, ... but we've got a long way to go," said Col. Loree Sutton, chief of the newly created Defense Center of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury. "That's why we're so thankful to teams like the RAND team that have stepped up and helped us better understand our challenges."

Sutton called it "heartening" that the RAND report's conclusions are "very consistent" with previous studies by the Army's Mental Health Advisory Team and other published results.

RAND found that only about half of those reporting symptoms actually seek treatment.

For those who do seek help, only about half receive treatment that researchers consider "minimally adequate," the report stated.

"Clearly, that's a finding that concerns us," Sutton said.

One reason many troops avoid psychological treatment, the RAND report says, is because they fear it will harm their careers.

More funding for PTSD and traumatic brain injury research and treatment is a continuing NGAUS legislative priority.

Previous studies have indicated that reserve-component personnel are more likely to report mental health symptoms than their active-component counterpart.

But they are less likely to have access to treatment, especially those residing in rural locations.

This news story is not produced by the American Psychological Association and does not necessarily represent the opinions of the association.

PsycPORT® is a product of the American Psychological Association created to provide quick access to mass-media information related to psychology.
®2008 American Psychological Association
Last updated: 06/26/2008 - 12:02 PM

Monday, June 23, 2008

BUSTED: The Not-So-Lost Tribe

The Not-So-Lost Tribe

by Mike Krumboltz

June 23, 2008 06:09:40 PM

Even in an age when cynical sleuths can hyper-analyze stories for truth and accuracy, the occasional hoax still slips through the cracks. Such was the case with a so-called "lost Amazon tribe."

A few months ago, mainstream news outlets (including, ahem, Yahoo!) reported that a photographer had found a lost tribe of warriors near the Brazilian-Peruvian border. Photos of the tribe backed up his claim.

As it turns out, the story is only half true. The men in the photo are members of a tribe, but it certainly ain't "lost." In fact, as the photographer, José Carlos Meirelles, recently explained, authorities have known about this particular tribe since 1910. The photographer and the agency that released the pictures wanted to make it seem like they were members of a lost tribe in order to call attention to the dangers the logging industry may have on the group.

The photographer recently came clean, and news outlets, perhaps embarrassed at having been taken for a ride, have been slow to pick up the story. Now, the word is starting to spread and articles in the Buzz are picking up steam. Expect a lot more brutal truth in the coming days.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Portland: Ground Zero of The Meth Epidemic

A growing epidemic to be sure. We will be covering psychoactive drugs in great detail next fall. One important documentary we will watch clips from is Frontline's research on the meth epidemic. Here is a brief preview. To watch the video in its entirety, click here!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

IB Psychology Extra Credit Movie Nights: Coming Fall 2008

Once a month (or so) I will show a movie or an excellent documentary after school for extra credit! Here is a preview of one of the movies!
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind:

Monday, June 16, 2008's Fourth Generation Coming Soon! will be updated and revised for the 2008-2009 year! Send me any recommendations and suggestions!


Sunday, June 15, 2008


Check back for news, updates to, and information about IB Psychology for next year!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Congratulations Seniors!

Fear, Courage, and Compassion
Don't allow fear to guide you
Be courageous always
Allow compassion to guide you
Hold debts against others never