World History: 1500 - 2001


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Hormones, Genes and the Corner Office

Why do girls on average lead boys for all their years in the classroom, only to fall behind in the workplace? Do girls grow up and lose their edge, while boys mature and gain theirs?


Anonymous said...

I think thats a good question. Maybe its because girls are more intimadated in the workplace or feel they have to work harder in school than they do at work or the other way around and they get so stressed they fall behind.

Mr. Caro said...

Interesting Nicki. Consider the brain research as well that is mentioned...thoughts?


Anonymous said...

the girls loosing thier edge part while the guys gain thiers and get mature? i personally think that the guys getting mature might have something to do with it well actually a lot but not the gaining their edge guys normally are competitive and do have an edge while growin up. i also think the thing about the girls is some what true too with girls becoming stay at home moms i think the whole working mom thing is relitivly new.