could we make a powerpoint as our presentation?
Hooray for My Bloody Valentine!
caro so the test is moved to Wednesday? right?
Hey Mr. CaroBased on your recommendation from Narintohn's blog I decided to make my own. Enjoy!
Don't forget to post the video of the smart car and the camry!
We presented our powerpoint, with out your laptop it was hard but manageable, I don't know if I used that word right.The sub today was interesting today...she gave off this interesting vibe. Like she was calm and knew what we were literally she knew what we were doing.She could tell if we were staying on task or just talking about events in our lifes..She was nice, i will tel you that!If Kacey says other wise its because she was talking the whole time and bugging everyone,but kacey is really cool still.Kacey means good!Were you sick Caro,or ditching?
Late night escapades with Sean, Tucker, and Papa Bear?
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could we make a powerpoint as our presentation?
Hooray for My Bloody Valentine!
caro so the test is moved to Wednesday? right?
Hey Mr. Caro
Based on your recommendation from Narintohn's blog I decided to make my own. Enjoy!
Don't forget to post the video of the smart car and the camry!
We presented our powerpoint, with out your laptop it was hard but manageable, I don't know if I used that word right.The sub today was interesting today...she gave off this interesting vibe. Like she was calm and knew what we were literally she knew what we were doing.She could tell if we were staying on task or just talking about events in our lifes..
She was nice, i will tel you that!
If Kacey says other wise its because she was talking the whole time and bugging everyone,but kacey is really cool still.Kacey means good!
Were you sick Caro,or ditching?
Late night escapades with Sean, Tucker, and Papa Bear?
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