World History: 1500 - 2001


Friday, December 19, 2008

Dreams: Episode I: Freud

Hello Everyone!

Below I have posted the first of a series of videos (it is my lame attempt at making up for the lost snow days...I apologize in advance for the quality...I will get better at them I hope). For every video I post, feel free to participate by applying what you have read from the homework readings on dreams, posted lecture notes, and what you have seen in the video, and elsewhere, by posting comments. Such participation will be applied to your grade.

Linked below is the Extra Credit Assignment DUE January 5th, 2009!
This extra credit assignment is a serious undertaking! Know that it is worth your while (20 points extra credit) but it is an effort for sure! Follow the instructions for how to recall a dream and contact me if you have any difficulties and/or questions.

Check the blog often for NEWS on the IA, Cognitive Psychology Essay, Dreams, and January's coming plans!


Anonymous said...

Excellent! This really helped bring together some loose ends I had after copying notes from the powerpoint you posted! Thanks!

And the next one will feature Pippin talking about Domhoff, correct? He needs to have a pipe, too--just like Freud!

Anonymous said...

First and foremost.. I want this IA out of my possession.

Second, and Analysis:

A walnut tree is very prickly. Maybe he was scared of having bowel movements. The wolves could have had something to do with a childhood fear, resulting in him associating fear with the prickly bowel movements.. (these are all just ideas).. [and yes, I used parentheses.. and brackets].. It was interesting how he clearly stated that the wolves were white, which I think hold some significance.. maybe about being pure.. or that his bowels wanted to be pure and empty but he was scared of painful bowel movements (defecaloesiophobia).

Post Script- I don't want to ask publicly is an enema is pleasure-full.. gross, but.. if he only resulted to that, could be have been using himself as sexual pleasure.. as gross as that may sound.. just a thought?

joey mann said...

Hey mr. caro what all do you want on the cover page?

Anonymous said...

464 in your reader should have all the information on the Title Page

joey mann said...

Thanks anonymous. Maybe you should consider teaching IB psychology.

nicki r. said...

Does the title on the cover page need to be creative?

Anonymous said...

yo where do we turn it in.. pippin hasnt gotten back to me

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Mr. Caro. Alex is definitely right about this video clearing some previous confusions. I felt like I was copying random stuff in the power point, but the video pulled everything together and I think I understand it a little better!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Caro, you are so dedicated...thanks for keeping us up to date with psychology over through the artic blast. It makes the Freud notes make more sense.

On a side note,
I actually got an opporutunity to watch a show after finishing my IA interviewing a psychology professor from U-dub and apparently it recieves the more grant money than any other university in the country...pretty impressive. It made me nostalgic for psychology. sad.

Mr. Caro said...



Mr. Caro said...

Alex and Kristin!

I am so glad! I hope the others are better!

Mr. Caro said...


Excellent analysis! Very Freudian indeed!

Mr. Caro said...

Thanks Lauren!

UW is a great school for sure!

Mr. Caro said...

ALL questions should have been addressed by me e-mails? If not, PLEASE e-mail me. Or post.

Anonymous said...

I considered psychology but it was taken.


Unknown said...

Mr. Caro. My computer's Microsoft Word is 2003 so when I save it as Word 97-2003 Document, it said something that "charts will be converted into a single object that can't be edited in earlier versions of Word" so can I save it as the default file format (2003 version)? I am worry that you won't be able to view my IA so it's gonna be late. I really won't want that to happen! Help me Caro!

Mr. Caro said...

Send me what you've got and let's see.

Unknown said...

I sent it to you, hopefully you can view it. One was saved as doc and the one that has charts in it was saved as docx.

Mr. Caro said...


Unknown said...

Wait hold on! You mean I need to fix it or u got it fixed already. I'm nervous lolz

Mr. Caro said...

No need to worry, it has been fixed!

Unknown said...

Alright! Thank you SO MUCH Mr. Caro!
Have a good night! and enjoy your break! Hope to see you soon next year!

Mr. Caro said...


luangrath said...

I like the new picture!

Mr. Caro said...

The outstanding photo on the blog is a DePaoli who is an up and coming contemporary artist. She happens to also be in the CIA. I am lucky for sure!

luangrath said...

nice. Good job rachael!

Anonymous said...

I must say, I really love that picture of the tree/sky/ sun.
just saying.

Anonymous said...

Mr. C, I forgot to turn in my IA last night.. Party Hardyy, you know what they say, heh heh, yeahh? .. I guess I was wondering if you could first correct my table of contents to see if I wrote it out correctly and spelled it all right.. and.. stuff.

Oh, and could you edit my whole paper before you grade it.. I can't seem to figure out where the spell check is.. is it a button on my keyboard.. or a combination of buttons.. what is spell check anyways?

Oh, and I don't think I will be able to walk to school to turn in my paper.. I don't think my mom will let me walk that far.. and I may get cold.

Oh, and the cover page.. I took a picture of the snow.. but somehow it wont show up on the white paper.. so I guess you can't really see what it is.. I didn't really figure that white on white would not work out too well.. so now I don't know what to do..

One more thing..
Pictures will be sent shortly, the flower arrangements will rock! Mmm, soo tasty.

Anonymous said...

yeah seems like a pretty reasonable excuse

Mr. Caro said...

Agreed Omar. Rachael, take your time. I like the snow idea. I have the same problem with Pippin. Once he is in the snow I cannot find him. I have to scan the environment looking for 3 black dots.

Anonymous said...

Those three black dots I am hoping are his two eyes... annnd?


Mr. Caro said...

Yes. I only know this because they move around the snow together. I have to catch them! It is not easy.

Anonymous said...

Awww Caro, little Pippin! Does he enjoy the snowy climate, or refuse to go outside? I picture him bounding through big piles of snow. Cute!

Anonymous said...


I do believe you may be confusing Pippin with Mr. Caro's pet moose.. but I don't know for sure.

I would say more like squaddling through the snow. HAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

Squaddling!? I don't think hounds can squaddle!

Anonymous said...


Like a Pippin hound?

Pippin is a mere infant.. don't take offense to that!

Hannah Montana ;),
I do believe you have all of your animals in a jumble.. hounds, pippin's and moose. The things I must teach you ;)


Anonymous said...

Rachael! I do not look like Hannah Montana! :]

Pippin is classified as a hound.
A small hound, but one none the less!
Would "canine" be a more precise word for you?

Anonymous said...

Canine sounds too ferocious.

He is a pup. A very very small pup. Good classification.

And you do look like hannah montana sweet heart :) That's not a bad thing!

Anonymous said...

from what i remember, pippin is not a snow dog. he doesnt like it he only does it to please caro then bounds inside and crawls next to a warm source.