World History: 1500 - 2001


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Portland: Ground Zero of The Meth Epidemic

A growing epidemic to be sure. We will be covering psychoactive drugs in great detail next fall. One important documentary we will watch clips from is Frontline's research on the meth epidemic. Here is a brief preview. To watch the video in its entirety, click here!


Anonymous said...

This is so scary and sad :(
I wish people thought about the outcomes of using meth and how it could destroy their family before they tried it.
I never knew it was a bigger problem in Oregon than in the rest of the country.
Those changing mugshot pictures were disgusting. If I was ever about to try meth I would think back to those pictures in order to make me not use it. Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck

Mr. Caro said...


This drug is a mystery still in terms of its extreme addictive nature. And I agree, those pictures tell it all. So many meth addicts look and act the same. What drives people to this drug?

Mr. Carlisle said...

I can sum up meth in a few words:

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