World History: 1500 - 2001


Friday, February 22, 2008


What's your utopia?


Mr. Carlisle said...

My utopia is a world where Autobots and Decepticons can all get along with each other. Pizzas grow on trees and peanut M&Ms fall from the sky like rain.

Mr. Caro said...

What about rivers of Coca-Cola?

Anonymous said...

I think I'll take a river of Coca Cola...the cherry kind, though. LOST would air on all channels every single waking hour of the day, it'd be an aboslute monarchy with Stephen Colbert as king, and there would be a center for kids who can't read and do other things good too. Every meal would consist of a Crunch Wrap Supreme or Top Ramen, depending on how you're feeling that day.

Mr. Caro said...


I want to vacation in that utopia!


Mr. Carlisle said...


I think the kids who can't read should be eaten...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

BUT...if the kids promise to serve Stephen Colbert faithfully until they die...then they should be spared.

It's only fair!